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Your Kingdom Calling: 3 Keys to Discovering Your Calling and Purpose in the Kingdom of God [EBOOK]

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Would it change your life if you knew ...

  • Why you are here—and why you are the way you are.
  • Why your life matters—and why no part of you is an accident.
  • Your role in the work that God is doing in the world 

Here is the truth:

  1. You are not your own designer
  2. God designed your calling right into you in the form of gifts or "talents" that he's given you
  3. Using these talents is simple—it's a matter of manifesting the kingdom of God by manifesting God's will and character through your gifts.

Few areas in the Christian life carry more baggage and shame than that of "calling." Most of us feel like we're missing it--and that deep down, we're a disappointment to God. 

But Scripture contains powerful keys to unlock this trap of shame and release every Christian into their unique purpose, calling, and place in the kingdom of God.

In this short, easy-to-read ebook, author and speaker Rachel Starr Thomson takes you on a journey of discovery: to find your purpose and calling in the kingdom of God and learn to walk with clarity, confidence, and joy in it.